Tag: welfare reform

Reform Welfare, Axe Benefit Tourism… & Open the Doors!

Matthew Elliot, who founded the Taxpayers’Alliance, has an interesting opinion piece in the Daily Mail today (20/01/12), on the need to address the issue of benefit tourism.  As Matthew writes, migrants should “Come here to work, not to claim benefits”.  Matthew’s “hook” is a study published by Chris Grayling...

Happy Birthday, Lady Thatcher!!!

Lady Thatcher celebrated her 86th birthday yesterday, 13th October. Many commentators more eloquent than I have written of her achievements, of how her political leadership helped turnaround the “sick man of Europe” as Britain was known in the 1970s.  Lady Thatcher’s free market radicalism after decades of creeping and...

Markets price a U.S. Government debt default as more likely…

That the US might default on its debts seemed wildly implausible when I first wrote on the subject “Will the US Government default on its debts?” just over two months ago on May 18th 2011.  As I noted then, A US default is a long way off but with...