Tag: Spending Cuts

Markets price a U.S. Government debt default as more likely…

That the US might default on its debts seemed wildly implausible when I first wrote on the subject “Will the US Government default on its debts?” just over two months ago on May 18th 2011.  As I noted then, A US default is a long way off but with...

Yes, tax levels make a difference where people live…

Driving along the southern coast of France, from Nice towards the Italian border, one finds that, yes, tax levels do make a difference where people choose to live. The Cote D’Azur is beautiful, basking under a clear blue sky and glorious sunshine.  The hills above the numerous bays are...

Will the US Government default on its debts?

According to The Telegraph, President Obama declared late on Sunday (15th May) that: “If investors around the world thought that the full faith and credit of the United States was not being backed up, if they thought that we might renege on our IOUs, it could unravel the entire...