IES-Europe Seminar in Gummersbach: Apply NOW!
Fancy spending a free week in Gummersbach, Germany, this summer exploring the ideas of liberty in the company of leading scholars of freedom and like-minded students from across Europe and beyond? Organised by my friends at IES-Europe, your week in Gummersbach will see youl learn about the institutions and...
LA Talk: "Personalisation, Vouchers & the Political Economy of Welfare Reform"
My talk this evening – “Personalisation, Vouchers & the Political Economy of Welfare Reform – my experience of making Harrow Council one of Britain’s leading boroughs for extending choice and control over social care” – was well received. I would like to thank David McDonagh for organising a great...
Paper accepted at Contemporary Aristotelian Studies Conference, June 3rd 2011
Excited that a second paper proposal has been accepted for a major academic conference; this time my paper proposal (below) was for the Contemporary Aristotelian Studies Conference, June 3rd 2011, at London Metropolitan University. My paper is entitled: “Lon L. Fuller’s Procedural Natural Law and Douglas Rasmussen’s & Douglas Den...