“Yes” Campaigners confuse marriage with divorce…

The Telegraph has this great picture from Scottish Independence Referendum (#IndyRef) campaign trail (which can be found here) that shows some of the “Yes” campaigners spectacularly missing the point of their own campaign when they’re photographed with a young bride-to-be.
Why? Well, whilst the young lady (pictured) is about to say “yes”, her “yes” is for marriage, the very opposite of what the “Yes” campaigners are calling for, which is for a divorce—a messy, political divorce by Scotland from the Union with England created in 1707.
Keeping to the divorce theme, a vote for independence is likely to leave Scotland with insufficient alimony being paid by the remainder of the UK to support its welfare entitlements—which is likely to eventually lead to Scotland dismantling its Tartan or Celtic Welfare Socialism. The question would be how much damage would be done to the Scottish economy (and its southerly neighbour) before that day of reckoning?